Valikko Sulje

Säveltäjä, kapellimestari, harmonikkataiteilija Timo-Juhani Kyllönen


Symphony No. 1 Op. 8
Composed: 1985–1986
3233/4331/13/1, celesta, strings
Duration: ca. 21′
Fp: Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra, cond.
Arnold Katz, Siberian TV, June 17, 1986
Modus Music

Awakening Op. 23b
Composed: 1991
string orchestra
Duration: ca. 17′
Fp: Kirkkonummi Chamber Orchestra,
        cond. Timo-Juhani Kyllönen, Kirkkonummi, November 24, 1991
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman

Suite for String Orchestra Op. 27
Composed: 1991
Duration: ca. 22′
Commissioned by the
Musikinstitutet Kungsvägen (Kauniainen)
Fp: Chamber Orchestra
Cappella, cond. Alf Nybo, Espoo, April 4, 1992
Modus Music


Symphony No. 2 Op. 29
Composed: 1992–1993, 1997
3232/4331/13, piano, strings
Duration: ca. 25′

Publisher: Music Finland 

Lichtenthal Op. 43
Symphonic Poem for Orchestra
Composed: 1998
3333/4331/31, strings
Commissioned by the Turku Philharmonic Orchestra
Duration: 18′
Fp: Turku Philharmonic Orchestra,

cond. Aleksander Vakoulsky, Turku, January 27, 2000

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman

Dies Irae Op. 74
In Memory of the Tsunami Victims 2004
Composed: 2005
string orchestra
Duration: ca. 17′
Commissioned by the Wegelius Chamber Orchestra
Fp: Wegelius Chamber Orchestra,
cond. Anna Maria Helsing, Turku, March 5, 2006

Publisher: Music Finland  


“In Memory of a Friend” Op. 3b in 4 parts.           I part Adagio, II Scherzo, III Fuga,  IV Finale for
String Orchestra
Composed: 1985/2015 
Duration: ca. 25′
Fp: Bergslagens Kammarsymfoniker

Cond. Timo-Juhani Kyllönen, Folkärna kyrka, Sweden, July 15 , 2015

Publisher: Modus Music 
